Code F06

Roasted gnocchetti all’ortica with robiola cheese and beet cream, and crispy scampi



Zutaten für 4 personen

200 g Gnocchetti all’ortica

80 g robiola cheese

40 cl milk

12 medium scampi

marjoram to taste

40 g cooked beet

20 g clarified butter

a few basil and nettle leaves

1 shallot

salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil, sprouts to taste


Clean scampi by removing head and carapace. Marinate with a little oil and a little marjoram.

Heat Robiola cheese with milk and dilute gently. Crush beet (concassé) and keep any water left behind during cooking and cutting. Add beet to half Robiola cheese cream and blend to obtain a smooth cream.

Cook Gnocchetti all’ortica in plenty of salted water. Drain and let them rest for a few moments. In a non-stick pan, heat clarified butter and add Gnocchetti, browning them all around. Add salt, scampi and nettle leaves.

In a plate, arrange Robiola cheese and beet cream, then ‘scatter’ Gnocchetti and scampi, nettle leaves and a drizzle of basil-scented olive oil.

Chef Francesco Gotti senior italian national chef team.

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