Code F04

Gnocchetti di patata mit Schweizer Käsefondue und gegrillten Polentawürfeln



Zutaten für 4 personen

400 g Gnocchetti di patata

Emmentaler, Raclette, Sbrinz and Gruyère

salt, oil and pepper to taste

250 ml milk

walnuts for decoration

500 g cornflour

2 litres water

15 g extra virgin olive oil

coarse salt


To make polenta, put a steel pot on the stove, pour salted water, pour in flour stirring with a wooden spoon and keep cooking on high heat, stirring quickly.

Add olive oil to avoid lumps, continue stirring until boil resumes and lower heat to minimum, continuing cooking for 50 minutes.

When ready, increase heat so that polenta detaches from the pot.

Make polenta mini-slabs and let them harden in the fridge. In the meantime, mix all cheeses in a pan with milk until they are completely melted.

Cook Gnocchetti di patata in salted boiling water and sauté in the pan with cheese fondue.

Slice polenta and grill slices in the oven for a few minutes. Dice them. Place Gnocchetti di patata in the middle of the plate and polenta cubes all around.

Decorate with chopped walnuts.

Alessandro Cassaro swiss delegation chef – fic.

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