Code A03

Tortellini mignon filled with mortadella on potato and spring onion cream, rapini and caciocavallo podolico cheese



Zutaten für 4 personen

320 g Tortellini mignon

400 g rapini

3 spring onions

3 fresh basil leaves

100 g caciocavallo podolico cheese

3 potatoes

vegetable broth to taste

salt and pepper to taste


Thinly slice spring onions and potatoes, and put them in a pot with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Leave to flavour and then cover with hot vegetable broth, basil leaves, salt and pepper and leave to cook over a low flame.

In the meantime, clean and wash the rapini. Place them in a non stick pan with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and let cook slowly. When the potato cream is ready, blend it all in a blender until you get a smooth, soft cream.

In a saucepan with plenty of salted water, cook Tortellini mignon and, once ready, drain and sauté them in a pan with rapini. Arrange the cream of potatoes and spring onions into a mirror shape and then on top of this arrange the Tortellini mignon seasoned with rapini. Decorate with the Caciocavallo Podolico cheese and serve.

Lorenzo Lacriola advanced training chef – fic.

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