We are cooking up a sustainable future: Surgital presents its First Sustainability Dossier
27 September 2023
Surgital, the renowned laboratory for deep-frozen artisanal pasta with deep roots in Italian tradition, is proud to announce a significant step in our commitment to corporate sustainability.
The launch of our first Sustainability Dossier marks the beginning of a reporting process that demonstrates Surgital’s enthusiasm to adhere to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) from the United Nations 2030 Agenda and address environmental and social challenges with a strategic, transparent approach.
For a long time, Surgital has been synonymous with quality, tradition and commitment to the community and the region. Founded on the values of tradition and workplace ethics, the company has distinguished itself through its mission to offer top-quality products, accompanied by impeccable service. Our commitment to research and innovation has contributed to the growth of the company, while always remaining faithful to the artisan history of handmade fresh pasta.
Our history is rooted in tradition and workplace ethics. Our vision is clear: “Bring fresh pasta to all the kitchens of the world.” But this mission is not only about the products we produce. It also involves our commitment to sustainability and our desire to be a company that is Made of Italy. This is an Italy of traditions, products, cuisine, but also people, and the warmth and passion that permeates every aspect of Italian life.
We are a family business that prioritises the safety of our employees, sustainable production and the wellbeing of the region. We recognise the growing importance of environmental and social sustainability for our customers, investors and society in general. This is why we have launched a reporting process, for now on a voluntary basis, which began with a materiality analysis. This process helped us to identify the aspects of sustainability that are most important for our company and for our stakeholders. The result of this process was the definition of seven priority issues we are committed to working towards with a strategic, transparent approach.

With our Made of Italy logo, we express pride in our country, and our commitment to preserving and promoting Italian culture and traditional food through our products. But this commitment goes even further, embracing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The 2030 Agenda is a global action plan for a sustainable future, which includes 17 goals and 169 targets. In 2022, we completed an in-depth analysis of Surgital’s alignment with these goals and discovered that we share 8 of them, now integrated into our strategy and investments as part of the 2023-2025 three-year company development plan. This is a significant step in the right direction, but we know that there is still a lot of work to do.
Our sustainability report is a tangible commitment to working on these goals and reporting our progress in an open, transparent way. We invite you to join us on this journey towards a future of responsible, sustainable fresh pasta.
Discover the Sustainability Report