Ingredients for 4 people
12 Panciotti® with aubergine and scamorza cheese Divine Creazioni Surgital
120 g tomato water
30 g flavored bread
50 g plain yogurt
Extra virgin olive oil
For the tomato water
400 g round tomatoes
60 g basil stems
30 g celery
20 g carrots
1 garlic clove
400 g water
For the flavored bread
200 g bread at least 3 days old
10 g thyme
10 g sage
2 g black pepper
1 garlic clove
80 g extra virgin olive oil
For the tomato water: chop all the ingredients and place them in a pot with water; bring to a boil, then turn off the heat and strain the water to be used for the dish.
For the flavored bread: blend all the ingredients except the oil, sift through a fine mesh sieve, and toast the bread powder with the oil in a pan until golden brown.
Cook the Panciotti® for 2 minutes and finish cooking with the tomato water, adding oil and salt; reduce the sauce to use as a garnish. Separate the Panciotti® from the sauce and add the yogurt that has been dried overnight in the fridge and the herb-flavored bread. Plate and finish the dish with the previously prepared sauce.
Valentino Palmisano
Recipe from Volume III “Young Talents” for Divine Creazioni
Edited by Elsa Mazzolini – La Madia Editore