The taste of collaboration
25 June 2024
A year ago, the province of Ravenna was devastated by a terrible flood that hit local communities hard.
In just 17 days, 350 million cubic metres of water inundated more than 100 municipalities in 7 provinces, causing flooding, landslides and serious damage to vital structures and farms. It is in times of crisis that our true community spirit shines through, with individuals stepping up to help one another selflessly, demonstrated by the courageous “mud angels“.
Even Surgital quickly responded to the emergency, demonstrating its dedication and readiness to support the local community. When Enel requested that we keep our power station turned on to supply electricity to neighbouring communities, given the number of power lines that were down, we acted without hesitation. A gesture that helped alleviate the power outages, offering assistance to the areas hardest hit. A collaboration, albeit temporary, that further strengthened our role as a dependable and supportive partner, always ready to act in the best interests of the community.
These gestures of solidarity are not isolated incidents. They embody our corporate philosophy: to be an integral part of the local community, helping each other during difficult times and working together for the common good. Through our presence and dedication, we continue to uphold the values of unity, mutual aid and resilience, demonstrating that only by sticking together can we overcome adversity and build a brighter future.
Surgital’s promise to the community of Lavezzola
Last year’s events offered the opportunity for Surgital to actively demonstrate its strong ties to the local community. Born and raised in Lavezzola, Surgital has consistently acknowledged the importance of actively engaging with and contributing to the community where it flourishes. This dedication shines through in various ways, notably in its enthusiastic support and active involvement in village festivals.
The Sagra della Porchetta e del Tortellino (Pulled Pork and Tortellino Festival) is a prime example of this commitment.
Celebrating its 41st edition, the event was held from 16 to 19 May, attracting approximately 10,000 visitors and transforming Lavezzola into a bustling hub of food and wine, shows and entertainment for all ages.
Organised by the Sagra Lavezzolese association under the patronage of the municipality of Conselice, the funds raised were donated to the Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo (IOR) Cancer Institute, highlighting the value of solidarity and social cohesion.
This year’s festival represented a special time of rebirth and shared joy, especially after the 2023 edition, postponed to September following the devastating floods in May.
The community rallied together, not only to celebrate local cuisine but also to honour the strength found in unity during such challenging times. Every aspect of the event, from the displays in the old town to the lively fun fair for children, sports demonstrations, musical performances and a vibrant youth zone featuring the renowned “Porquito cocktail bar”, helped create an atmosphere of celebration and unity.
The guests of honour, as always, were the tortellini, prepared by Surgital and cooked by volunteers in the historic fireplace, representing the heart of the festival for over four decades. This event, deeply rooted in the hearts of Lavezzola’s residents and of Surgital’s founders, Romana and Edoardo, is a celebration of good food, community and local customs.
Each year, the festival serves as a joyous occasion to reconnect with our heritage, celebrate local culture and embrace the future with optimism, knowing that together, we can overcome any challenge.

An ongoing commitment to the community
Surgital’s commitment to the community extends far beyond these festive gatherings.
For over a decade, we have proudly supported the Fondazione Banco Alimentare, donating food to combat hunger and assist those in need. This gesture reflects our desire to be an active part of the social fabric and contribute to the population’s well-being.
In 2023 alone, our contributions enabled Banco Alimentare Emilia-Romagna to distribute about 10,500 tonnes of food, reaching more than 132,000 individuals across 727 organisations.
In addition to our collaboration with Banco Alimentare, every month, we work on the Ca’ Nova project in the municipality of Medicina. Established in 2020, the project’s original aim was to provide Christmas lunch to the less fortunate, driven by the belief that no one should be left behind. Thanks to the generosity of businesses, volunteers and donated funds, this initiative has blossomed into a monthly event, serving as a means for us to extend our supportive embrace to the more vulnerable, promoting social inclusion and supporting our community. A mission we pursue with passion and dedication.

Il nostro primo Open Day
Quest’anno abbiamo aggiunto una data speciale al nostro calendario. Sabato 8 giugno si è svolto il nostro primo Open Day aziendale, una giornata dedicata ai collaboratori, ai loro amici e familiari. Originariamente previsto per i 40 anni di Surgital e cancellato a causa della pandemia nel 2020, questo evento ha finalmente preso vita con grande entusiasmo.
È stata un’occasione unica per condividere il nostro Manifesto e mostrare in modo pratico e trasparente il nostro lavoro, l’amore per gli ingredienti e la valorizzazione dei prodotti locali.
Per valorizzare anche gli operatori e le organizzazioni locali, abbiamo coinvolto la Cooperativa Sociale La Pieve, che supporta persone con disabilità o in condizioni di svantaggio. La cooperativa ha confezionato i gadget dell’open day e le strenne natalizie di dicembre scorso, dimostrando che ogni gesto, piccolo o grande, è guidato dalla convinzione che solo con la collaborazione si può promuovere una comunità più forte e unita.
Da questa terra nasce Surgital e in questa terra vive, contribuendo a sostenere e sviluppare l’economia locale e portare benessere a tutti. In linea con gli Obiettivi di Sviluppo Sostenibile, continuiamo a dimostrare che il nostro impegno verso la comunità e il territorio è costante e concreto. Con questa visione, continuiamo a lavorare per un domani in cui la comunità e il territorio prosperano insieme, mostrando che il cuore dell’azienda batte forte per il benessere collettivo.